المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : what is defrance between formal and informal in taking

عبدالمجيد الدعفس
27-02-2009, 04:01
افترض انك تعرف الفرق بين الكتابه والحوار الرسمى " مع رؤساء بالعمل , عند مخاطبه الشركات" والكتابه والحوار الغير رسمى " مع الاصدقاء والاهل ومن هم فى سنك "

[Formal speech and writing is sometimes different from informal speech and writing. In English there are certain words and structures which are mostly used in formal situations. There are also certain words and structures for informal situations.

Use of Contraction
Contracted auxiliary verbs and negatives are common in informal speech and writing. They are not normally used in formal situations.

He has gone. (Formal)
He's gone. (Informal)
I am ready. (Formal)
I'm ready. (Informal)
Use of prepositions
Prepositions can come at the end of certain structures in informal language. This is not possible in formal language.

Which nation does she belong to? (Informal)
To which nation does she belong? (Formal)
Use of relative pronouns
In informal speech, the relative pronoun can be dropped when it is the object of the clause.

The woman who you are talking about is my boss. (Formal)
The woman you are talking about is my boss. (Informal)
The movie which I saw yesterday was really nice. (Formal)
The movie I saw yesterday was really nice. (Informal)
You can usually decide whether a relative pronoun is an object because it is normally followed by another subject + verb.

Use of determiners
Some determiners are followed by singular verbs in formal language and plural verbs in informal language.

Neither of the answers is correct. (Formal)
Neither of the answers are correct. (Informal) ]

صالح الدعفس
07-05-2010, 10:38
الله يعطيك العافية وماقصرررت يالغالي ....

ـــــــــــــأأأأأأأأحترررررررررررامي ....

11-05-2010, 06:14
يعطيك العافيه مشرفناااا ماقصرت

عساك ع القوة يارب

عبدالمجيد الدعفس
14-05-2010, 12:46
مشكورين ع المروررررررررررررر