المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English Language Test 1

بلال سلوم
30-05-2007, 10:58
(English Language Test 1)

Q1: The following sentences are incorrect , rewrite them correctly. (15 marks)

1. She's student at Sorbonne university
2. Sam is an pilot
3. Are you Jordanian? Yes , I be
4. How much families live in your village ?
5. My brother's got eyes blue .
6. Is your brother speak French ?
7. Does they like action movies ?
8. He studys English at the police Academy .
9. Faris and I lives with our parents .
10. He never smoke cigarettes .
11. Do you like swimming ? Yes , I like
12. Does Laura like cook ?
13. I not after visit my brother in law .
14. I go to work by the Taxi .
15. Jack visits his friend in United kingdom .

Q2: Write questions for the following answers . (5 marks)

1. a ………………………………..
b: I'm from England

2. a …………………………………
b: She's a hostess

3. a …………………………………
b: No – I'm single

4. a …………………………………
b: No , I quit smoking

5. a …………………………………
b: My favourite meal is Mansaf

Q3: Chose the suitable article from the following … ( a , an , Ø, the )(5 marks)

1. Ahmed's family live near __ __ city centre.
2. In Jordan we face __ __ _ real problem with traffic accident
3. I always go to _______ dawn town on week ends.
4. In Jordan we haven't got ____ ____ under rowed train.
5. Every day I come to work by ____________Police bus.

Q4: Give the Arabic meaning of the following sentences. (15 marks)
1. Fantastic ……………………….
2. Survey ……………………….
3. Dilemma ……………………….
4. Traffic jam ……………………….
5. Accent ……………………….
6. Spider ……………………….
7. Trumpet ……………………….
8. Politician ……………………….
9. Divorced ……………………….
10. Chapel ……………………….
11. Differences ……………………….
12. Musician ………………………….
13. Apartment ………………………..
14. Widow …………………………...
15. Industry ………………………….

Q5: Write a paragraph a bout one of the following subjects

1. What do you do every day ?
2. Five things you like and you dislike ?

Good luck…………………………………………………………………………………………………

ابراهيم الغنماوي
31-05-2007, 04:41
اتمنى تكون اجوبتي كلها صح ولو انه في بعضها ما عرفتها بس يلا انت كريم واحنا نستاهل. :)
1. She is student in Sorbonne university.
2. Sam is a pilot.
3. Yes, I am.
4. How many families live in your village?
5. My brother’s have blue eyes.
6. Is your brother speaks French?
7. Did they like action movies?
8. He studying English at the police academy.
9. Faris and I live with our family.
10. He never smoke cigarettes.
11. Yes, I’d like.
12. Does Laura like cooking?
13. (..)
14. I’m going to work by the taxi.
15. Jak visited his friend in United Kingdom.

1. Where are you from?
2. What is Sarah job?
3. Are you married?
4. Do you like smoking?
5. What is you favorite meal?

1.by the.
2. To face a.
3. The.
4. (…)
5. Transporter.

1. خيالي
2. استبيان
3. صعب اختيار
4. خط على الطريق يوجب من تخفيف السرعه
5. درجة امتحان او اهمية
6. عنكبوت
7. الة موسيقيه ما اعرف اسمها
9. طلّق
10.غرفة بالكنيسة حق اللي بينام او شي من هذا القبيل

I am writing to tell you what I do every day. First, when I wake up I get a shower. After that, I eating my brake fast or lunch or dinner. Finally I go to do my work.

ولك جزيل الشكر

علي الغنماوي
02-06-2007, 10:08
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،،

أخوي إبراهم الغنماوي جهد تشكر عليه

لكن الإجابة الصحيحة هي كالتالي:

ترى أخوك الصغير علي الغنماوي مترجم!! وليس لدينا إلا غيض من فيضكم

1- She is a student in Surbonne University.
2, 3, 4 correct
5- My brother has blue eyes.
6- Does your brother speak French?
7- correct and can be: Do they like action movies.
8- He studies English at the Police Academy.
9- Faris and I live with our parents.
10- correct
11- Yes I do.
12- correct
13- sentence not clear. but I think it should be (after visiting my brother in law)
14- I go to work by Taxi.
15- Jack visits his friend in the United Kingdom.

1- correct
2- What is Sarah's job?
3- correct
4- Do you still smoking?
5- correct

1- the
2- a
3- the
4- an
5- the

1- رائع، خيالي، مثير
2- استبيان، بحث، مسح
3- ورطة، مأزق
4- ازدحام
5- لهجة
6- عنكبوت
7- بوق
8- سياسي
9- مطلّق أو مطلقة
10- تأتي بمعنى كنيسة أو مطبعة
11- اختلافات، تناقضات
12- موسيقار
13- شقة
14- أرملة
15- صناعة أو قطاع

I woke up at 7:00 in the morning, have my shower, breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed and go to work by my own car. I start the day by checking my e-mails and responding to them, then I proceed to other tasks.

تقبلوا تحياتي
وإذا احتاج أي فضلي مساعدة في أي موضوع باللغة الإنجليزية أنا في خدمتكم،
بس ترى إذا المسألة بتاخذ وقت طويل، العذر من الله ومنكم لأن أخوكم وقته على قده

ابراهيم الغنماوي
03-06-2007, 05:27
يعطيك العافية اخ علي وعساك عالقوة

علي الغنماوي
04-06-2007, 08:20
الله يعافيك أخوي إبراهيم
آسف لم أستطع الرد على رسالتك لأن مشاركاتي لم تصل إلى 100 مشاركة بعد
لكن أرجو مراسلتي على عنواني: aliafrawi@hotmail.com

10-06-2007, 09:56
ما شاء الله

يا اخوان

روائع ما تكتبون

الله يجعلنا من طلابكم

مشاركة طيبة

وفقكم الله

بلال سلوم
31-07-2007, 03:12
يعطيك العافية اخ علي على التصحيح للشباب
و جهودك مشكوره